Victoria Leigh Walker

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I find myself inspired on a daily basis; whether it be from nature, or from a fellow human. I am a free spirit looking to discover new opportunities that allow me to help individuals come into a better since of knowing every day.

“The question is not what you look at but what you see.” Although, the luxury of just sitting & doing nothing like Thorough is not often afforded to the common business owning individual, but the concept is a powerful one.

Sitting in the stillness of the moment and allowing the brain to take flight.

I’ve found that activities like kayaking, hiking & fishing bring me back to center where an admiration for wine & music, amongst other arts reveals a beauty only that of the earth can produce - collectively inspiring my creativity.

I’m an old soul. I find myself in a book reading over Netflix and chill, a small jazz concert over a club and a hike up a mountain over a video game.

Growing up, affirmations were EVERYTHING. My parents taught me how to manifest before we called it manifestation and for that I will be forever grateful.

I grew up in a household of entrepreneurs, so owning a business has always been in the cards for me, that I never doubted. I’ve also always loved storytelling, it’s what encouraged me to pursue a career in journalism. I quickly discovered this wasn’t my path, so I decided to go in a few different directions - then ultimately decided to throw all my skills in a cauldron & start a business of my own.

My branding firm, The Reflective Agency OR Reflctiv, specializes in creative & authentic storytelling geared towards businesses in the online space. We help entrepreneurs feel comfortable in their own skin, because if you can’t really be yourself through your business what are you doing it for?

Pushing into year four of being in business, I can say with confidence that I’m so grateful for what this business has become! So much that I'm ready to branch out and channel some of that energy into my personal pages so I can spend more time with the things I love.

My intentions are to grow off of what I’ve established while working on more creative projects I‘ve started.

In a nutshell, I am an innovator, a creative, a writer/ artist, a dog mom, a lover of people, & all around a fluid individual looking for new perspectives and new adventures.

Location Richmond, VA
Country United States of America
Member Since SEPTEMBER 16, 2020
Social Audience 2K
thetoriwalker 2K Last Month Last 3 Months
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