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Research, advice, tips, and more on long distance relationships.

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7 Smart Ways To Protect Yourself From Power Plays In A Relationship

Learn about the most common power plays that show up in relationships If you haven’t already, go and read that post that deep-dives into the most common power plays that show up in long distance relationships. Whenever I say something you don’t like, I feel like you shut down, stop talking, and push me away. Because we’re in a long distance relationship I can’t reach out and touch you when things get hard. To protect yourself from this power play, you can acknowledge that there are additional valid issues to discuss, and let them know you’re willing to come back to those issues later, but then calmly state that you’d like to stay focused on the initial issue for now.

13 Power Moves That Make Them A Jerk In A Long Distance Relationship

To help you recognize whether power plays are at work in your long distance relationship, we’re going to take a closer look at 13 common power plays that show up in long distance relationships. Using money to “buy” certain commitments or behavior If they offer to pay your bills, or buy your plane tickets for a visit, but they want you to do something in return (e.g., call every night to check in, avoid a certain friend they’re jealous of, send you nude pictures, etc) If they ask for nude pictures or phone sex and make you feel pressured (or bad if you aren’t ready for that) they’re in the wrong. If you find yourself repeatedly caught up in one of these power struggles with someone you’re dating, and calm, rational, non-blaming discussions do not change the relationship dynamics, then in most cases the wise course of action is to walk away from the relationship.

6 Ways To Make Saying Goodbye Easier After A Long Distance Relationship Visit

What’s one of the best moments in any long distance relationship? A “hello. ” That wonderful moment when all the waiting for the next visit is finally over and they’re in your arms

5 Smart Ways To Stay Safe When Meeting In Person For The First Time

If they’re coming to you,you’ll probably want to greet them alone (let’s face it, first meetings are exciting/nerve-wracking enough without an audience,) but make sure friends or family members know exactly when and where you’ll be. In addition to letting family or friends know where and when you’re meeting, check in with your “trusties” after the pickup via text or phone, and regularly throughout the visit. Depending on how much of an introvert you are (and therefore how much quiet time you need to recharge) you might also want to plan one or two activities that will give you a break from talking (movies, plays, shows, concerts, etc.). No matter what you think about sex and when is a good time to have it in a relationship (early, after a while, not until you’re married) do not underestimate how tempting it will probably be to go to bed with your new long distance love interest during your first visit.

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