Sharon Greene

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As I'm a 4 time breast cancer survivor, my blog is called 4 Times And Counting. I write honestly about cancer with a touch of snark and a shot of optimism.

Social Audience 1K
  • Family and Relationships
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  • Women's Health
  • Medical Health
  • Diseases and Conditions
  • Pop Culture
Transracial Adoption: When the Adorable Babies Become Teens

When we first adopted our son as a newborn, complete strangers would come up to us to say he was the cutest baby they had ever seen. My daughter came along 16 months after my son, and she also got a lot of attention for her cuteness and later her burgeoning beauty. I sold children’s designer clothes on EBay for a time and my daughter was often my model. People would write to me about my adorable model although they wouldn’t necessarily purchase the clothes.

Adopting After Cancer: A Love Story

I was first diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer at age 29, way back in 1988. The protocol at that time was to tell women to wait 5 years before getting pregnant or, as my breast surgeon so crudely put it, “Baby might not have a Mama”. The cancer had returned to the same breast and as I had radiation the first time, the only option left was a mastectomy and 9 months of chemotherapy. I was told that chemo could possibly put me permanently into early menopause but as I was still only 34, there was a good chance the menopause symptoms would only…

Is There A Hypochondriac In The House?

If your body can get cancer again after surgery, chemo, and/or radiation, why couldn’t that cancer have spread before the recurrence was detected? When they found a new breast tumor, I was suddenly convinced that cancer had spread to my ankle bone. It had seemed like a nothing accident and again it took a whole team of doctors to convince me this was just a freak twisting accident and not evidence of bone cancer of the foot. Over the 27 years of fighting cancer, I have self-diagnosed myself with a brain tumor, lung Mets, hand cancer, and a few other medical oddities.

Get A Tissue Or Ten *Dedicated to Sharon At 4 Times and Counting*

Thank you Looking For The Light for writing this beautiful piece for me. Four Foxes, One HoundFour Women, One Man: Authors at Work My Life. Jemima PettAuthor of the Princelings of the East fantasy and Viridian System scifi series Booklovers For LifeFalling in love with romance one page at a time ColdThe way revenge is best served; the way a war was fought; the way a story should be told.

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