My Triple Negative Life

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Lifestyle blog & tips for people living with triple negative breast cancer

Social Audience 244
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One day at a time

What I can do is sincerely hope that you are having a healthy/stable year so far and that you fulfil all of your new year’s resolutions, well… the ones you wish to keep No matter,  because I must admit I didn’t make much of making new year resolutions this year. This is the first year in a long, long time that I didn’t feel melancholic around the New Year and January. This year I was looking for a diary/planner for the year ahead and I came across the one in the picture above.


It is just over a year since my mother died and I have been feeling a bit lost, truth be told. The options from my GP were that I could either discontinue taking it or commence other medications for the side effects. The medical team could practice weight-training with the weight of my charts! In the past, today was the traditional start of Christmas in Ireland when everyone went to the larger towns and cities to do their Christmas shopping.

A mishmash of Pink.

This money will go directly to the Irish Cancer Society where it will fund research and support services for all those affected by breast cancer. I have to admire all the women  who in the midst of their own illness can do something so positive and tirelessly as raising money for breast cancer research. According to only 2-5% of raised funds for breast cancer research go towards metastatic breast cancer research. I suppose the bottom line in breast cancer awareness is that I was fortunate to be breast aware back in 1999.

Material Goods

As you may recall I attend a mindfulness class from time to time and was a participant in  a Louise Hay workshop a few months ago. We are used to being grateful for the important aspects of our lives such as family and friends and take for granted the material facets of our lives. My home- there is a severe problem in our capital city with homelessness, the worst ever in our country, most likely a legacy from poor policy-making decisions in the past. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)

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