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A journey of seeking and creating a Life with Style. ♥ Spirituality ♥ Nature ♥ Australia ♥ Art+Craft ♥ Photography ♥ Reading ♥ Travel ♥

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Floral Femme Forever New

I felt like I stepped into my own dream wardrobe, and couldn’t wait to pick for myself my favourite pieces. If you believe in the power of attraction, like I do,  it is a must to expose yourself to the beautiful things you’d lust to have on a regular basis. If it’s on my pretty blog, which is my very own version of my favourite magazine (of only stuff that I love) – which I think I look at more than anyone else, I am bound to attract these pretty outfits into my life. Inspired by how this wonderful writer richly describes things, I felt inspired to describe these beautiful pieces in a creative way also in this post.

Top 3 ways you can be self-expressive

One amazing way you can be self-expressive is to make a bold change like this and dye your hair PINK! I think Kim Kardashian’s new pink hair stands for something for us women. Let us not worry about what others think Let us live our lives shining the inner magic and beauty outwards for the world to see Be a sparkly, bright and shining star, and bloom like a pretty pink rose. Doing something bold, like cutting your hair short, or dying it another colour, can be so uplifting, freeing and a way to say to yourself and the world –

Active Energised Organic Skincare Cleansing Oil - The Sydney Girl

This beautiful cleansing oil is a delight on my skin. I’ve actually never tried a cleansing oil on my face in my life! It is filled with natural essential oils, and I feel my skin is moisturised and glowing after I put it on. Ingredients: blend of organic and biodynamic essential oils, plant extracts and the energies of gems and crystals sesame, avocado and spelt oils.

Grace of Monaco

If you’re looking for a great movie to watch on Netflix, watch Grace of Monaco. I watched it with Tim today on this cloudy movie weather type day, and we BOTH loved it! Nicole Kidman’s wonderful acting, and, the portrayal of the kind of woman Grace Kelly was. I’ve done some research on the movie, and it is not meant to be a biopic of Grace Kelly, but instead, a piece of artwork – a  human portrait of a modern woman who wants to reconcile her family, her husband, her career – as stated by the director.

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