Jaspreet Kaurds

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Living with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer. Forever Learning, Sharing, & Advocating. Read my blog below

Social Audience 162
  • Family and Relationships
Speak Your Truth

I notice now that we live in a time when its totally acceptable for us to pause our lives to share them with others, this takes away from living in the moment –  which cancer has forced me to do – a true blessing that has come out of this experience – omg did I really just put cancer and blessing in the same sentence. Since I started sharing my breast cancer diagnosis and treatments many people have reached out to me to share their own hardships and struggles – in person or online. I am still hoping to build awareness about Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) – one way of doing this is my blog, social media, breast cancer walks. For 2018 I would like to continue to connect with influencers/social media personalities that are able to share the importance of research for MBC on a larger scale – as my voice along with others impacted by Metastatic Breast Cancer doesn’t seem to be enough to get any attention.

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