Bonnie Fouts Annis

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Don't forget where you've been

The dots and lines they'd applied with a Sharpie marker wouldn't stay on permanently but they'd stay on through the first couple of treatments. They'd made a fiberglass mold of my upper body for the linear accelerator to insure accurate positioning every time I came in for treatment but then, they'd also explained, the need for markings to help line up the beams of radiation. I'd tried to document every aspect of my journey so my children would be able to look back one day and see how far I'd come. As I looked back, I didn't lose sight of where I am now and I didn't find myself bumping into something that was going to cause me physical pain either.

What's it all about, Alfie?

The name of the song was "What's it all about, Alfie." Burt's song this morning, reminded me that without love we just exist. We're to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength - that's the first commandment, but then, we're also supposed to love others as ourselves. Now that's a song I could wake up to every morning!

Hooray for Hemp!

We discussed my back pain and the post cancer PTSD and came to the conclusion that CBD oil might be worth a try. I wanted to try the CBD but wasn't sure if it would work for me. The doctor recommended I use the CBG during the day and that I use CBD at night. The following day, I took one dose of CBG right after breakfast and another mid day.

Love is in the Air

Almost one and a half months have passed since we rang in the New Year and it's hard to believe how fast time is flying! My grandmother always used to say, "The older you get, the faster the years go," and she was right! Since reaching my 61st year, time goes by at lightening speed. Love is in the air and hearts are everywhere! Valentine's Day will soon be here

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