Christy Eckert

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PROTECT YOURSELF FROM THE INSIDE OUT with Essence Water Patented Formulation: High Alkaline pH10 Water, Organic Minerals & Hibiscus, a Super Antioxidant.

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Mourning Myself- dealing with chronic illness

The Doctors didn't know what to make of it and with all the questions they were asking me, with a tiny bit of fear in their eyes that they couldn't hide, I knew Lymphoma was on the table. And before you think that you can't get Mono twice, or even shingles twice, you absolutely can - I'm living proof of that. I say mostly, because as of late, I'm not feeling well again and I don't know if it's due to the infection being mildly active or from the damage it's done. And I don't know why things like this happen.

Purity vs. Balance

But if you're someone, like me, that tends to obsess and worry over every little ingredient, what it might be doing to you, etc, that might just be a "rabbit hole" you don't want to venture down. So honestly, when I find a product with mostly organic ingredients, but doesn't contain something like chamomile, for instance..... I'm severely allergic to chamomile by the way.... But I will never ever compromise my moral standards or integrity and recommend something to any of you that I wouldn't use on myself, or on my own family. But I realize now, and can promise you that moving forward I won't jump the gun on myself.

MyHeritage DNA

A couple years ago I did a trial on and traced my family history on one side all the way back to the 1500's! Then you just wait for the magic to happen Since I had been working on my Family Tree again this past summer, I was pretty familiar with some of my lineage. This did not bother me at all, as I already knew the specific countries included from my Family Tree background. If there is anyone else in the database that has had a DNA test done, that matches your DNA, the company will email you their info, as well as the way you might be related, i.e. 4th cousin twice removed, etc and give you the option to contact if you're so inclined to do so.

What I'm Loving

While I have had time this summer, I've been trying out some new products, watching some new shows, reading some new books. It's a Korean Skincare brand called Klavuu and it's like a combo of an oil cleanser/foaming cleanser. And as long as it's doing my skin good, I'm not so strict on being 100% clean these days. The acting isn't super stellar all the time, but it's the perfect workout show.

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