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My name is Amy. I'm a fun and loving girl. Who get along with most people. I have a crazy obsession with the color pink. Which I'm still trying to figure o

Location Laurel, Maryland
Member Since JULY 03, 2018
Social Audience 11K
  • Events and Attractions
  • Interior Decorating
  • Pop Culture
  • Beauty
  • Men's Fashion
  • Street Style
  • Women's Fashion
  • Shopping
My Winter Nail Care

First off I want to tell you all that I haven't painted my nail or did anything to them in a month. If you don't want to cut your nail then you can move on to step two. Step 2~ Use the nail file and shape you nails to your liking. Step 6~ Pick the polish you want to use for your nails.

Layer and More Layer

What has been really going on in my life

Living room Challenge

What has been really going on in my life

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