The product is so fresh that the Amazon Chapter even includes information about the Whole Foods purchase, as well as Amazon’s other brick and mortar efforts.
The rise of AI-friendly graphics processors is also mentioned in the “Fast/Cheap Technology” chapter our new text, a great way to relate what Amazon is doing to Graphic/ASIC/FPGA-fueled machine learning and cloud-driven computer vision.
Here’s a quick look at how the profiling process works, from human “taggers,” who first screen every program and catalog various elements used by the firm’s profiling algorithms, to the firm’s increasingly sharper data-slicing algorithms, and the role of “taste communities.
Our TechTrek NYC students have had the good fortune to meet with alums at Rent the Runway for the past several years (including VP Brooke Brown), and we’ve had a Rent the Runway chapter in the IS Book since version 5.0.