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To help the unemployed, underemployed, and underappreciated job seekers!

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My Money Matters Interview Hosted by Chris Hensley

I am the "The Voice of Job Seekers," career consultant, job seeker advocate, career writer, and founder of this award-winning blog. I help the employed, unemployed, underemployed, and under-appreciated find jobs using job search strategies to navigate the new job market. Thousands have read my career advice throughout the web as I write about everything from job search strategies to the mobile job search. I share the latest articles I've written, new podcast episodes, and answer any questions you may have.

8 Ways Marriage Can Strengthen Married Job Seekers

If my body were my marriage and my shoulder were my job search, I would need my spouse to compensate for encouragement and strength when my job search was difficult. It’s almost like we have this limiting belief that marriage cannot possibly benefit the careers of both spouses. When the home environment is fun, inspiring, and peaceful, it is a powerful tool to help during a long and discouraging job search. When a job seeker senses things are terrible, the working spouse can help put things in perspective.

What Does Financial Planning Have to Do with Your Job Search?

I talked with Aja (ah-jah) McClanahan to discuss things you to consider preparing for a job search, during a job search, accepting an offer, and at the start of a new one. I help the employed, unemployed, underemployed, and under-appreciated find jobs using job search strategies to navigate the new job market. Thousands have read my career advice throughout the web as I write about everything from job search strategies to the mobile job search. I share the latest articles I've written, new podcast episodes, and answer any questions you may have.

Hire Veterans: Talking Points for Job Interviews

But if you’re a former service member, you still need to advocate for yourself in cover letters and interviews to make sure potential employers know exactly why you’re valuable and how your military skills can fulfill the company’s needs. When interviewing, you should be able to explain to potential employers that veterans tend to possess the top soft skills they’re seeking: Remind potential employers that former military members are used to consistently demonstrating an aptitude for Employers that actively recruit former service members find they acquire employees who are able to take on leadership roles right from the start. You can use your job search and interview process as an opportunity to advocate for yourself and other former service members — all the while educating potential employers about the many good reasons to consider hiring a veteran.

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