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Certified Executive Career Coach, Personal Branding & Job Search Strategist providing high level executives with career management tools, strategies & coaching to achieve top results.

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Jobseekers: How to Assess & Improve Your Online Social Media [5 Steps]

Your online social media profile can positively or negatively impact your job search. This audit will help you evaluate whether your online accounts are helping or hurting your chances of employment

Why a Personal Career Brand is Important & How to Manage Your Brand

Are you familiar with Celebrity Name Game? Craig Ferguson (one of my favorite comedians!) hosted the show until 2017. It’s kind of like “Name That Tune,” but for people, not for music

Steps to Accelerate Your Christmas Job Search

It may even be easier to connect with a hiring manager during December as key personnel is in the office while the lower-level staff takes paid holiday time off during the month. Even if you aren’t offered a job in December, you can lay a lot of the groundwork by making connections before the end of the year, making it more likely that you’ll be hired quickly in the New Year. If it’s your goal to find a new job by the New Year, don’t put off your job search just because it’s the holiday season. A job search that starts in December gives you momentum and a head start on other candidates who wait and start their search on January 1.

Here's What I've Learned About How Recruiters Read Executive Resumes

For example, recruiters tend to scan job titles and education/degrees first before diving into content. For example, the above example summary is for a sales executive. The quickest improvement I made to this client’s resume was to change his title to this: Once you’ve resolved job title issues, consider how your employer names are represented. For example, we’ve seen employer names that look like this: * COO | John Smith Manufacturing (formerly BDT Corp in 2014 & Allis Metals in 2017) | 2013 – present Unless the mentioning of BDT and Allis offer some importance, there’s no need to list these employers.

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