Madi Kaiser

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Shark enthusiast🩈| Blogger| future Marine Biologist| Twitch Affiliate| ASU '21

Location San Angelo, TX United States
Country United States of America
Member Since JANUARY 21, 2020
Social Audience 2K
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A thoughtful review of Shane Jordan’s “Food Waste Philosophy”.

Before I begin, I would like to thank Shane Jordan personally for writing such an amazing and inspiring book and thank you for letting me read it for free. Now that I’m in college and have an entire library that I can go and check out as many books as I want, my reading habit has come back to life. Nowadays I am more careful when I’m shopping for food and try to live more waste-free with food. I think that people should be aware of how much food waste we contribute to, along with the plastic waste from bags.

How Exactly Do You Be A Good Student?

I’m sure that at some point in your life, you’ve  heard a person stress over being a good student, whether it was being that they were worried about taking a test, or getting a graded one back From a teacher’s perspective, you might find that in the label, a “good student” should be attentive, responsible, and get good scores on tests. If I were to ask myself, what makes a good student, I’d say that a good student is a combination of turning your work in, studying, getting good scores on test, but also being a kind person, and having a balance between school life and home life. Yes, education is a very important and valuable aspect in life, but I believe that maybe you shouldn’t stress to the point of going crazy on being a good or perfect student.

Cyber Bullying Occurs All Hours of The Day

Just like regular bullying, cyber bullying is defined as harassing or tormenting someone through the means of the internet, however traditional bullying normally ends when a student goes home. Maybe the fact that they don’t have to be face to face with the person. Students feel comfortable saying things they wouldn’t normally say in person, suggested Mr. Banks, a teacher at Legacy. Most teenagers have no idea the damage they can cause with their words, and it becomes much easier when you don’t have to face the consequences of meeting with someone face to face.”

The Struggle of Being Ambitious

While school is mostly to blame for this, because they are constantly reminding us that college is just a few years away and we need to know what we want to do with our life,(As of 2020 I am currently in my freshman yr of college) On the other hand, however, when anxiety isn’t kicking in, I feel like I can proficiently plan for my future, however it leads to so much overthinking. Lately I’ve found that writing my ideas down helps a bit, but I keep overloading myself with things I want to do, and with school starting back up here in 2 weeks or so, it makes it very challenging to stay optimistic, because I know school and my future part time job will take up at least half of my time, and my other half going who knows where. There sadly isn’t enough hours in the day to do everything I want, so I’m taking it step by step, and trying to focus on a few things instead of multiple.

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