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All You Can Eat Fresh Vietnamese Fare at Chap In

My love for Vietnamese food has grown so much through the years, there’s not a week that I don’t eat a Gỏi cuốn (summer roll), Chả giò or Nem rán (fried spring roll), or a simple mango salad of their specialty. In is a buffet style restaurant where you get to have your meat and veggies grilled, wrap your own summer roll, and enjoy the freshness of mint and coriander on just about every bite you take. At 11.90€ per head for lunch (11am until 3pm), and 16,90€ for dinner (5pm until 10pm), you can satisfy your cravings for authetic Vietnamese cuisine. From the soup that you can opt not to have, to the fried spring rolls (my favourite), from Nuoc Cham– the refreshing dipping sauce to the white and red meat, seafood, grilled vegetables, herbs you put in your summer roll, every bite is worth all those euros.

Desserts, Coffee, and Tea for Catlovers at Neko Cafe

When we first visited, I was not yet into cats, so I don’t know about cat breeds and personal cat space then. ^_^ The café offers a range of tea and other warm drinks as coffee and coffee options, and even chocolate to order from. The cake was good, not the type that’s store-brought and thawed, you can tell it’s a recipe that’s unique to this cafe. Situated just behind the shopping center, Steffl, and a few steps  away from Vienna’s main center, Stephansplatz, one can also enjoy going around the streets that lead to the café.

Matcha Komachi, A Small But Diverse Foodie Shop

Matcha Komachi, a rather small food shop that could barely seat 25 people but offers some of our favourite Korean and Japanese dishes heartily awaits. Just like another of our favourites, a family-owned Japanese restaurant a few meters away from Matcha Komachi: Kuishimbo. The first thing I had was the matcha komatchi set, it has butterfish, and eel sushis, avocado, and cucumber makis. For someone who likes matcha, this matcha latte with adzuki (red bean) ice cream is a must!

Fine Korean Dining and Karaoke

The seafood pajeon is a personal favorite, it’s a korean pancake of shrimps, mussels, squids, young onions, and courgettes filled with dough and eggs on both sides and fried until golden brown. Bibimbap, literally mixed rice, is like the japanese donburi or rice-bowl dishes. There’s also a wide variety of bibimbaps…in Yori, for example, they have quinoa bibimbap, a combo of quinoa and beef, and vegetable bibimbap for those who doesn’t eat meat. The rice, always served steaming hot, and 4 banchan (side dishes) go really well with the vegetables that were cooked just right.

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