Dr. Deanna Attai

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Dr. Attai is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery at UCLA, specializing in breast surgery.

Social Audience 17K
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How Fabulous Is This Group??

Alicia and Jody brought together patients, physicians, researchers and others who shared an interest in providing education and support for all impacted by breast cancer. Without Alicia, Jody and the #bcsm community, I would have never met Lori Marx-Rubiner, who died yesterday due to metastatic breast cancer. As an “expert patient”, she volunteered her time to come to my office for a “lunch and learn” with my staff to discuss some common frustrations that patients experience when trying to navigate the healthcare system, so that they could better understand the patient’s point of view. And thank you to Alicia and Jody, who had the vision to create such a special place for all of us – the fabulous online community that is #bcsm.


Men with breast cancer have traditionally been left out from such movements, although the pink and blue ribbon now is used for male breast cancer awareness campaigns. Awareness is important – increased awareness is one reason that many women no longer feel embarrassed about going to a physician when they feel a lump in their breast. The term “pink washing” has been applied to those organizations who utilize pink for the sole purpose of raising their own brand awareness. Do you want to help fund education or awareness campaigns, support services, research on metastatic disease, or research on prevention?


It was so warm in February that I started the zucchini seeds outside mid-month, along with the cucumbers and winter squash. I made plenty of grilled “zucchini steaks”, zucchini noodles, and zucchini salads. Home to Heather Chocolate Chip Zucchini Cake Quinoa Zucchini Breakfast Cookies – Soft oatmeal -type cookies.

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