Amy Adams - Good & Awkward

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I write a blog about awkward stuff but good stuff too. I raise kids and am wife to Fred. I love Jesus, books, the Bachelor and smoothies in that order.

Social Audience 293
  • Books and Literature
  • Family and Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Law
  • Pop Culture
  • Traveling
Why I Want you to Be That Girl

Show up for your life every day, even when you are new — especially when you are new. What would our world be if all the neatly-folded women in it could apply themselves, without reservation, to solving problems and making people laugh, designing new products and writing new books? Our world needs THAT GIRL to ruffle its feathers a little, to shake it out of its stupor, to figure out how to solve problems that it hadn’t yet identified. Our workplaces and schools, our mosques and synagogues and churches all need “the new person” even when they seem perfectly content to let all the excellent girls within their walls remain extraordinarily quiet.

I Win At Being Totally Embarrassing

On that day, I went to my eighth grader’s school to pick her up, parked in the front lot and waited. like it’s embarrassing that your friends know I exist and that I drive you home from school? Wearing supportive shoes that are not as cute as they could be Enthusiastically waving at other parents that you know Setting foot upon a middle or high school campus and acknowledging to present pubescent people that you have birthed a child who goes there Being very friendly to other adults you just met (bonus points if the other adult’s child is in the popular crowd) Dancing in your kitchen, car or living room when you hear good music Kissing your spouse in front of your children (just a minor peck will do it) Acknowledging that you also have ovaries, which in fact, led to the birth of your children Dancing at a wedding, a store, or any public place (bonus points for unrepentant use of eighties moves) Acknowledging that your stomach is no longer flat by letting your excess tummy rest on the waistband of your jeans for comfort’s sake.

Listen To George Washington. He prayed for you.

The question I kept asking myself as I completed our tour of D. C. this summer was, “If God was asking me this question right now, would I hear Him? The truth revealed by a visit to the museum is that the question of “life or death” is always being posed. Washington wanted us to be charitable and humble with one another and, in so doing, to imitate God’s character in our civic life. Last week, I watched the congressional hearings regarding FBI agent Peter Strozck and I couldn’t get George Washington’s prayer out of my mind.

My Ears Need A Vacation: A Mother's Story

“Making the decision to have a child – it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body

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