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Writing and sharing ways we can all live a more considered life · Content Strategist · Jewellery Designer: @ohmyclumsyheart_

Social Audience 40K
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How Minimalism Changed My Life

I’ve learned to be kinder to others and to myself; because I’m active when it comes to my ambitions and intentional with my consumption, I’m not only more intentional with my life Minimalism teaches us to buy less and buy better; take care of what we own by repairing what’s broken, and use things up. Understanding what my values are and discovering what matters most to me in life has led to me having the confidence to let go of things and people who hold me back or make me unhappy. I’m content knowing the things I bring into my life are useful, the people I allow close to me are supportive and caring, and the life I’m living is led with intention and purpose.

From Mindless To Mindful: My Journey To Minimalism

Even though I studied media and consumer culture at university; even though I read books upon books about branding; even though I knew how marketing and advertising worked to manipulate us, I still wanted things I didn’t need. I found joy in using things up, repairing things that broke, and getting rid of things I didn't need. Minimalism and simple living is about simplifying through making room in your life for things that add value by getting rid of the things that don’t. If you’re interested in minimalism and simple living my advice would be: choose a method that works for you and don’t compare yourself, your life, or your journey to anyone else’s.

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