
Score (What’s this?)

Perlu Network score measures the extent of a member’s network on Perlu based on their connections, Packs, and Collab activity.

extendYoga strives to provide a positive, nurturing environment that challenges individuals to extend themselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We believe in giving back to the community by participating in various charitable causes.

Social Audience 6K
  • Family and Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Healthy Living
  • Shopping
Kim Groark

I started teaching seven years later in 2003, after receiving my certification at City Yoga in Los Angeles. I’ve opened two successful yoga studios in Maryland, Thrive Yoga and Sacred Space Yoga. Over the span of twenty-two years, Ive experienced for myself and witnessed in others, the transformative power of a consistent yoga practice-from breaking addictions to healing chronic disease, to improving relationships or making a career change, yoga offers us a way towards greater balance, wholeness and joy. A born and raised island girl from Oahu, I am inspired by the ocean and the fluidity of vinyasa yoga.

Make a BIG Difference (with small changes)

YOU CAN MAKE YOUR DAILY LIFE: * Cleaning products: make the switch to eco-friendly cleaning products that are not only great for you and your family, but for the environment (that’s your soaps, detergents, cleaners, etc.). Great Eco-brands: Meyers, Seventh Generation, J. R. Watkins, The Honest Company (can be found at almost any grocery/large retail store) Place your food scraps, coffee grounds, tea bags, paper, paper towels and other compostable goods in the bin that is provided and the Crew picks it up. The next time you are looking to remodel/update your home, make sure to check out energy efficient appliances, HVAC systems, lighting/fans, etc.

Make a BIG Difference (with small changes)

YOU CAN MAKE YOUR DAILY LIFE: * Cleaning products: make the switch to eco-friendly cleaning products that are not only great for you and your family, but for the environment (that’s your soaps, detergents, cleaners, etc.). Great Eco-brands: Meyers, Seventh Generation, J. R. Watkins, The Honest Company (can be found at almost any grocery/large retail store) Place your food scraps, coffee grounds, tea bags, paper, paper towels and other compostable goods in the bin that is provided and the Crew picks it up. The next time you are looking to remodel/update your home, make sure to check out energy efficient appliances, HVAC systems, lighting/fans, etc.

Daniela Shore

She loves to share her passion for the importance of breath and intention with everyone. A simple quote she learned from one of her favorite teachers that she continues to live by and shares in every class is “Breathe! She is particularly inspired to practice and teach Ashtanga, Vinyasa, and Yin yoga but is learning all she can about every style she comes in contact with, and aspires to become a 500 hour RYT within the next couple of years. When Daniela is not on the mat, she can be found enjoying time with her young daughter, and two dogs.

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