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  • Books and Literature
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Giving IN

It's such an interesting concept, I didn't even know I wasn't giving in. That's ok, because that's MY normal. Of course I'm not suggesting you invite cancer to tea or anything I'm just saying my first instinct was to throw a WHOLE BUNCH of fear and hate in it's direction One of my favorite things I ever heard, and honestly I can't remember where I first read it but it stuck like GLUE is: "Giving help and expecting something in return isn't help.

Here comes the rain again...

There's something about the rain that changes the attitude of the city, it's like the rain comes in and washes all the soot away and for a day or two and it's 67 degrees in December, with it's snow capped mountains in the distance and miles of coast line right here in town. If you can't tell I love LA when it rains, and it's perfectly matching my current hibernation plan. I think I was waiting for society to give me permission, like it's ok you can rest, you aren't lazy, you don't have to do more just rest.

The Bad News Bears

What was the most shocking of all was what's happening in my liver, it's got A TON of cancer in it. This is how cancer works, if the chemotherapy is killing the cancer off in one spot then it's killing the cancer in all spots. It's the last stop-what our body doesn't need is either stored/stuck in the liver or secreted out through the bile the liver makes back into the intestinal track where we can get rid of it from there through our urine and bowel movements. I haven't talked a ton about the other healing journey I've been on because it's deeply personal and also a lot of people judge or think it's hogwash or simply don't believe

Opinions are like a.........

Please don't misunderstand, I am a highly opinionated person, and I'm generally highly willing to share my opinion no matter how controversial it may be. And while most of us truly believe and truly may be helping another person by sharing our opinion, some of us may also consider learning HOW to share said opinion. " It's incredibly egotistical to assume that YOU know what's better for someone else's life than THEY do. While playing Monopoloy we have all gotten that one card, that one mean little card that stops us from GROWING OUR EMPIRE and defeating our beloved family members; Go To Jail, Go Directly To Jail,  Do Not Pass GO, Do Not Collect $200  (slightly aggressive but that's neither here nor there).

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