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Traveling Petite Girl is an Asian female travel & lifestyle blog featuring travel guides and self-portrait travel photography tips for young women

Social Audience 38K
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  • Traveling
How I Got Out, How I Recovered & How I Transformed it into a Positive Experience

Many of you know me as a positive & inspiring go-getter. I feel it in my heart that I am but 8 years ago, I wouldn’t have

Mukbang Style - Traveling Petite Girl

I have an older brother, my sister’s middle, and I’m the youngest, but I feel like those who are the youngest get their lives together first or sooner because I feel like there’s less pressure on them compared to the firstborn ones. So it’s really important to be content with where you are and also know that nothing’s ever permanent. Let’s say for the next four weeks you plan out what your four videos are gonna be, if you’re gonna post one video a week. So in terms of having a professional career aside from vlogging, I’m a social media manager and that’s also another income or way for me to be be able to travel and work at the same time.

Here's how to enter! - Traveling Petite Girl

By entering, you agree to the giveaway terms & conditions | Privacy Policy Thank you so much for your emails and comments on my blog, Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. As a thank you, I’m giving away a GoPro Hero 7 Black (valued at $379.49)! The winner will be chosen and announced the next day on April 10, 2019 via Instagram & email. By signing up now, you also get immediate access to my free library of travel resources like Lightroom presets, ultimate packing lists, and more.

The First Timer's Guide to Surfing in Siargao + Tips

If you’re a non-surfer or beginner, and you’re thinking about surfing in Siargao, I’ve got a great Siargao surf guide for you! Here’s my first timer’s guide to surfing in Siargao with tips and a free Siargao travel planner cheat sheet! You can also find these guys in any surf shop in Siargao like Fat Lips Surf Shop, Mamon Surf Co. or Kermit Siargao. Where to get surf lessons If you’re looking for a 1 or 2-time session, looking for surf lessons in Siargao is as easy as walking into Cloud 9.

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