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NYC single mom | Stylista | Encouraging all to walk by faith & follow their dreams | Kids activities & kids fashion.

Social Audience 6K
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4.0 and Running Goals

I'm officially a runner, y'all!A couple of weeks ago, HEB and I ran the Al Gordon Brooklyn 4M race with the NYRR and I was able to check off one of my 2019 goals that I didn't even know I had!Even though it was pretty cold that day and I had to wake up pretty early to get to Prospect Park, I'm happy that I did the race. At the gym, I've been running 4 miles in roughly 45 minutes, but I wanted to cut that time down by five minutes and finish the race in 40 minutes

Kids Cooking Class at Nonna Beppa Soho

{Disclaimer: The kids were provided with a complimentary Pasta-Making Class and the grown-ups were provided with a complimentary meal in order to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed herein are my own

{Relationship Stories} Guarded

I'm hanging out on the Lower East Side at happy hour with wo of my girlfriends and after a few five-dollar lychee martinis, I get started with some details about this thing I've got going on with Specifically the fact that I'm all screwed up when it comes to dating and relationships and that I might kinda, sorta, Don't know what I'm talking about? Sigh.

On Recognizing Kids As Fully Human

Real talk: I'm not a morning person. Matter of fact, most mornings I'm cranky as hell

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