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Is your child struggling with anxiety, OCD, school-based fears, panic, & more? Learn how the Turnaround program can help your child overcome their fears.

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The Relationship Between Anxiety and Anger

Imagine feeling nervous, stressed and worried most of the time, or so fixated on a particular perceived threat that it paralyzes you with fear. Your mood simply boils over in reaction to a person or event that annoys or agitates you especially if that person appears to be the blame. * Fight vs. Flight Anxiety is based in fear, which is widely known to trigger the body’s fight or flight response. Since anxiety can essentially take over a person’s life and leave them feeling weak and powerless, anger is a common reaction to this perceived loss of control.

Is Emetophobia an Eating Disorder?

In fact, emetophobics may reduce food intake or avoid certain foods altogether. Individuals suffering with anorexia have an irrational fear of weight gain that results in extreme weight loss. Like emetophobics, those suffering from anorexia have an unhealthy relationship with food because of what it could lead to – vomiting for emetophobics and weight gain for anorexics. Whether an emetophobic is restricting the amount of food, the type of food, or both, they are likely to consume far fewer calories than needed to maintain a healthy weight.

What is the Role of the Extended Family of an Anxious Child?

Instead of judgemental comments, extended family members should focus on the positive things they can say to help uplift parents or caregivers and reassure the anxious child. Extended family members can provide additional support by asking parents or caregivers what they can do to help. Extended family members should try to become familiar with all of the methods that parents or caregivers use to manage their child’s anxiety. The support of extended family members can make a big difference for the parents or caregivers of a child with anxiety, but sometimes additional help is needed.

How to Ease Your Child’s Separation Anxiety From Infancy to Teenagers

Rituals and consistency can go a long way in helping to ease a toddler’s separation anxiety. Providing a toddler with a small task, such as closing the door or waving goodbye out of a window can help ease anxiety at the time of the separation. The start of school can also cause separation anxiety in older children. These tips can help ease your child’s separation anxiety, but in some instances extra support can make a big difference for your child.

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