Jessica Lynne DeCristofaro

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Stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma #Cancer Fighter! Click below to follow my evolving journey to kicking cancer's booty! ✏️ #Lymphoma #FuckCancer #CancerAwareness

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Dating after Cancer Part Deux

I’m back and as transparent as ever with one of the most non transparent subjects ever…dating after cancer. As you all know, I’m a huge advocate of dating during treatment and a firm believer that everyone comes into your life for a reason, for a season, and serves an indefinite purpose

Wig 101 for Beginners

Hi! It’s Jess and Cristie, and we are your (ex) Lymphoma wig connoisseurs. We both went through treatment for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and spent our days messaging each other photos of our wigs, Pinterest wig inspo, and of course

Post Chemo Hair Growth!

Let’s talk post chemo hair growth. It’s been two years and 4 months post my last chemo treatment and let’s just say my post chemo hair growth is on point So here’s what I did for my post chemo hair growth, but as always, you do you. I didn’t take any vitamins during my first 6 months after treatment for post chemo hair growth because my doctor didn’t want me to, and he also saved my life so live, love Lossos.

Be Happy in Real Life: What Hodgkin's Lymphoma Taught Me

So, let’s talk about how to be happy in REAL LIFE, not just on the internet, something I’ve learned through out my Hodgkin’s Lymphoma battle and life after. In the cancer community, life during treatment is a shit show, but let’s talk life after treatment. I’m more than happy to discuss it because nothing makes me more sad than receiving messages from other’s with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma or any other type of cancer, telling me that they have anxiety/depression and don’t know why they are so traumatized when they survived a disease that has killed so many. But what happens when your life does a 180, you can’t work anymore, and you’re attached to a pole of chemotherapy fighting for your life?

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