6.51 ft (4/11)
Raquette River at Piercefield – 10.34 ft (4/18): 7.99 ft (4/11)
AuSable River at Ausable Forks – 3.52 ft (4/18): 3.52 ft (4/11)
Hudson River at North Creek – 6.80 ft (4/18): 6.93 ft (4/11)
Schroon River at Riverbank (Route 11) – 7.75 ft (4/18): 6.76 ft (4/11)
Lake Champlain at Whitehall – 99.13 ft (4/18): 98.31 ft (4/11)
Including the Old Forge Area, Black River Wild Forest, Fulton Chain Wild Forest, Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness, Independence River Wild Forest, Pigeon Lake Wilderness
The following Forest Preserve Access Roads in the Black River Wild Forest have been closed for mud season; Wolf Lake Landing Road (access to Bear Lake and Woodhull Lake), Mill Creek Road (access to the Gull Lake Parking Area), and Loop Road (access to campsites along North Lake).
Essex Chain Lakes Complex: Gates are closed and locked, and all seasonal access roads are closed to motor vehicle use until the end of mud season, including Cornell Road, Deer Pond Road, Chain Lakes Road North, Drakes Mill Road, Camp Six Road, and Chain Lake Road South.