
Score (What’s this?)

Perlu Network score measures the extent of a member’s network on Perlu based on their connections, Packs, and Collab activity.

Social Audience 0
  • Healthy Living
  • Medical Health
Living A Happy Life

Love to play with papers, rubber stamps, paints, inks, fibers, well...just about all crafting mediums to recreate a vintage European style in all my pieces. Feel blessed to be able to share my Christian faith through my designs. Live on Running Waters Farm with my "better half" husband Bill, our horses, cats, goats, and chickens. I'm a wine-maker, gardener, food preserver, wife, mother, and Grandma.

Pushing Forward

Love to play with papers, rubber stamps, paints, inks, fibers, well...just about all crafting mediums to recreate a vintage European style in all my pieces. Feel blessed to be able to share my Christian faith through my designs. Live on Running Waters Farm with my "better half" husband Bill, our horses, cats, goats, and chickens. I'm a wine-maker, gardener, food preserver, wife, mother, and Grandma.

First Road Trip Since Cancer Returned

Hello, my name is Valerie. I enjoy making hand-made Christian gifts and stationery

News From the Farm and Starting Cancer Treatment

Love to play with papers, rubber stamps, paints, inks, fibers, well...just about all crafting mediums to recreate a vintage European style in all my pieces. Feel blessed to be able to share my Christian faith through my designs. Live on Running Waters Farm with my "better half" husband Bill, our horses, cats, goats, and chickens. I'm a wine-maker, gardener, food preserver, wife, mother, and Grandma.

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