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I'm Dr. William Davis and this is the official page for verified information on a Wheat Belly way of eating for optimal health. It's really me! Questions?

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Super yogurt that's a lot better than products sold in groceries

Commercial production of yogurt involves brief-as-possible fermentation time, addition of blending/emulsifying ingredients to generate smoothness and better mouthfeel, as well as manipulations to suit consumer preference, no matter how misguided such as low- or non-fat and the addition of high-fructose corn syrup- or sugar-sweetened sweeteners and fruits. Fermentation time is a major chokehold on commercial production

The unique probiotic benefits of L reuteri yogurt

Check it out — Dr. Davis newest book, Undoctored: Why Healthcare Has Failed You and You Can Become Smarter Than Your Doctor, is in stores now! Click to order and learn more

Ten reasons to never eat wheat

How can conventional dietary advice gotten it so wrong? Rather than eating plenty of “healthy whole grains,” people on the Wheat Belly lifestyle eat absolutely no grains and enjoy spectacular weight loss and reversal of hundreds of health conditions as a result. Unfortunately, many people view this as a “gluten-free” lifestyle which is incorrect

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may not be what you thought

Check it out — Dr. Davis newest book, Undoctored: Why Healthcare Has Failed You and You Can Become Smarter Than Your Doctor, is in stores now! Click to order and learn more

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