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My name is Rachel. My blog is about whole food centered nutrition and living an active and grateful lifestyle.

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Fear Less, Slay More! A Cancer Healing Mindset To Deal with Multiple Levels of Suck.

The thing about living with a chronic illness such as cancer is the reality that the body goes through multiple phases of suck. It really is a chicken and egg type situation here: did their mindset change because their health was declining or did their health get worst because their will to go on diminished? By accepting the worst case scenario & coming to peace with it, he allowed himself to focus all his energy into visualizing what he really wanted instead. He didn’t spend every minute of every day thinking he was never gonna walk again or that he was going to die.

Dill Pesto Potato Salad with Sauerkraut

Since Alec posted his tried and true Sauerkraut recipe last week, I have received several questions from people who want to gain the benefits from this fermented wonder but aren’t sure how to serve it. This week at the store I found a bag of gorgeous dual colored small potatoes which I knew would be perfect for making a potato salad. If you can withstand the temptation of devouring all of the potato salad right away (which we obviously could not do), this salad can be made ahead as part of your weekly meal prep and served cold throughout the week. This potato salad is dressed with a tasty dill pesto sauce and is a perfect pairing for sauerkraut.

Vegan and Gluten Free

Tuna-less Tuna Salad” that was made using smashed chickpeas and nori seaweed flakes to give the beans that “tuna” flavor. When brainstorming with the hubbs on how to be creative, he came up the genius idea to serve the tunaless salad in a stack just like the tuna poke stack I used Bai bottles with the top and bottom cut off because I broke my can opener while trying to use the bean cans (oh boy, was that a sight! ). To create the stack, you can use a food stacking ring or to DIY like I did, remove the top and the bottom of can or a bottle.

Homemade Sauerkraut

The most important thing I learned about making sauerkraut is to use the proper ratio of cabbage and salt. Since I like making my kraut in a 32 oz mason jar, I was able to figure out the exact amount of cabbage to use in order to avoid brine spilling over or not having enough in the jar. She has already made and eaten some spring rolls stuffed with cabbage and liked them, so it’s only a matter of time until she moves the kraut bowl closer and starts digging in this crunchy goodness too. This is an easy recipe for delicious homemade sauerkraut Add salt to cabbage and massage with hands for 5-10 minutes Press down into jar until all cabbage is covered with liquid.

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