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How do I take a screenshot on an Android phone?

If you want to capture something for posterity – be it a new high score in an Android game or ill-advised celebrity tweet – you’ll need to take a screenshot. Luckily, this is an incredibly easy process, although it does involve a bit of finger gymnastics

How to connect unofficial Bluetooth headphones to PS4

The PlayStation 4 controller’s built-in audio jack makes it easy to plug in a pair of wired earbuds and continue playing well into the undisturbed night. Your compatible wireless headphones are now ready to use Now, if you’ve had the gall to try and connect an unsupported Bluetooth device then it’s likely this error message will hit you straight in your unofficial face: How to connect unofficial Bluetooth headphones to a PlayStation 4 To get around Sony’s tight restrictions you’re going to need a USB Bluetooth audio transmitter. Once paired you should be able to hear all game and chat audio through your “unsupported” headset Fair warning: this method might not work with all headphones, but after scouring a wide array of message boards it seems to fix the issue for the vast majority, including Apple’s AirPods.

How do I withhold my mobile number?

There are times when making calls from your mobile phone that you may not want the recipient to see your number. How to withhold your mobile number before making a call If you don’t want to withhold your number permanently, but only before making a particular call, it’s dead easy to do (assuming you’re in the UK). How to withhold your mobile number permanently on Android If you don’t want anyone to see your number when you call, you can tweak your Android phone’s settings to stop this happening. My Caller ID and select Hide number How to withhold your mobile number permanently on an iPhone

What do the lights on the Nintendo 2DS and Nintendo 3DS mean?

Whether you’re using a Nintendo 2DS or 3DS, the popular Nintendo handheld console has the same four lights. But what are they trying to tell you? On the Nintendo 3DS, the notification LED is found on the hinge of the device

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