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Hi, I'm Julie! I'm the cook and author behind I write about food storage, canning and using my preserves.

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Use It Up: Strawberry Jam Grilled Cheese

Sunday was a day of 11s, apparently. Around 11, Dan and I headed up the road to Silver Queen Farm

Turkey Stock for Freezing

Let’s talk turkey. Turkey stock, specifically

Strawberry Frozen Yogurt with Jam

This post is sponsored by Stonyfield and OXO in celebration of Cheryl Sternman-Rule’s new book, Yogurt Culture. Thanks for supporting the brands that help make Savvy Eats possible! If you already have strawberry jam on hand and you use Greek yogurt, the prep for this recipe is literally minutes: just open the jars, toss it all in the food processor and puree! But even if you use regular yogurt (I used Stonyfield’s Smooth and Creamy Whole Milk Plain yogurt) and strain it, the hands on time is still brief

Peach Caramel Sauce

I first found the idea of pear caramel sauce in Preserving by the Pint by Food in Jars’s Marisa McClellan, and I was intrigued – preserving fruit in a caramel sauce? A dairy-free caramel sauce, no less? I definitely needed to try it. I had the last few peaches from my Sweet Preservation box still kicking around in my kitchen, so I decided to puree them and use them up in a peach caramel sauce! I wasn’t entirely sure whether or not peaches were a safe substitute for pears in this caramel sauce in terms of water-bath canning

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