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The Mini family shares their life living in the desert! Their blog is filled with recipes & party planning, travel & date night ideas, etc!

Member Since JULY 19, 2018
Social Audience 14K
  • Events and Attractions
  • National & Civic Holidays
  • Personal Celebrations & Life Events
  • Food & Drink
  • Beauty
  • Shopping
  • Traveling
Our Mini Linky Party

Did you do anything fun to celebrate the holiday, or bake a special dinner? Adam and I enjoyed some IPAs at home and played video games. Like when family and friends gathering is no longer a threat to someone's health, and it's just a time to relax and hang out together again? Here's to hoping that the 4th of July will feel a little bit more normal than it did last year since that's the next major holiday

Our Mini Linky Party

Something strange was in the air I think for most of last week. Nothing crazy or bad happened here--just weird life stuff coming to fruition and other things coming out of left field. I think we're going to spend some time this weekend outside and try to go for a hike tomorrow morning if the weather holds up. I hope you are having a great start to the weekend, and I can't wait to see what you're sharing at this week's link party!

Our Mini Linky Party

It's going to be an extremely busy month, but Adam and I are hoping to spend some time relaxing at least for a little bit this weekend. I'm thinking we may celebrate St. Patrick's Day a little early this year since we'll be at home this weekend, too. I can't wait to see what St. Patrick's Day or Easter ideas you have to share with us at this week's link party! The party links are in random order, so you can come and join our party anytime while it's open by adding your links.

Our Mini Linky Party

I've got a really busy month ahead of me, and next week, I'm spending some time setting goals and scheduling my time to ensure everything gets taken care of (and still giving myself some free time, so I don't go too overboard with work). This weekend won't necessarily be relaxing since I've got some goal setting and scheduling to sort through, but I am in a way better mood this weekend than I was last weekend. y'all had some great posts to share at our link party! I loved seeing all of your Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, and spring tutorials and recipes, and I cannot wait to see what you have to share today at this week's link party!

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