As you’ll learn in the interview below, Madeline took her Grandmother’s advice and spent a year exploring the options outside of entering college directly after high school.
Granted, many of the people on my voyage specifically were gap year students, but even the people who were older felt exactly the same as the rest of us, which I think is very different from a typical college experience.
After my gap year, most of my friends at the college I attended were in their late twenties and early thirties, and they all originally thought I was the same age as them, likely due to the fact that I had done so many things (travel, sailing, and working) since high school, rather than straight away attending college.
The next semester of my gap year was spent working as a receptionist and taking art classes, and though I still couldn’t get myself to apply to colleges, I ended up being an art student at a local community college, and then transferring into their Associate’s degree program for Psychology.