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Welsh. Professional daydreamer. Tea Drinker. Reader. Reviewer. Adult in training.

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Waiting on Wednesday: The How & the Why

Originally created by Jill at Breaking The Spine, and adapted to Can’t Wait Wednesday by Tressa at Wishful Endings, Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme that spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating. This week I am waiting on The How & the Why by Cynthia Hand Goodreads Summary A poignant exploration of family and the ties that bind, perfect for fans of Far From the Tree, from New York Times bestselling author Cynthia Hand

Waiting on Wednesday: The Guinevere Deception

n’t Wait Wednesday by Tressa at Wishful Endings, Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme that spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating. This week I am waiting on The Guinevere Deception (Camelot Rising, #1) by Kiersten White Goodreads Summary Deadly jousts, duplicitous knights, and forbidden romances are nothing compared to the greatest threat of all: the girl with the long black hair, riding on horseback through the dark woods toward Arthur. The idea of her being a changeling further adds to that intrigue, and I can’t wait to see how she navigates the courts of Camelot and protect those who live there.

March Wrap Up 2019

Besides that, it’s just been the same old routine of work, more work, Netflix, eat, sleep, blog, so I have nothing new to report for the time. The Wolf and Books shares some ideas on what to do on your next blogging hiatus. The Orangutang Librarian kindly featured me in bloggers who deserve more attention post, be sure to check out the other bloggers mentioned in the list. So, generally I plan on reading Strange the Dreamer, do a bit more blog hopping, plan a holiday and book it, relax, and most of all remember that I’m doing alright for myself.

Discussion: Why I Haven’t Read an Audiobook.

There are some incredible voice actors who shine in audiobooks and can successfully bring these characters to life to provide a fully immersive experience. However, when you can’t adjust to the narrator’s voice, you become distracted and even irritated by it, which can negatively affect the reading experience and the impact this book could have had on the reader. Granted, it might have been because of a long and tiring day beforehand, but there is some truth in the fact that someone’s voice lulls you to sleep, like when a parent reads to a child at bedtime or by using a film, podcast, etc to help relax the mind and stop you from overthinking. The first audiobook experience is crucial cause it could easily be a hit or miss, so finding the right book is essential to that reading experience.

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