Karen Kasonic

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Summer is Almost Here!

I have a little chemo break happening right now because I’ve made the decision to switch to Doxil, which will start May 25. But the markers overall are still low and the PET scan showed only small progression, so I could have kept doing Taxotere for a few more months. Another plan for this summer is to do the Walk for Old Dogs to fundraise for Old Dog Haven. If you’ve got a few bucks to donate to the care of old pups, please check out my fundraising page!

I’m an Exceptional Responder!

The weekend after each infusion I feel like I’ve been beaten up The plan for now is to do one more Taxotere infusion and then have  PET scan to see how well it’s working. My 7+ years is more than double the average life expectancy of metastatic breast cancer patients. I'm a 42-year-old woman who has been living with Metastatic Breast Cancer for 7+ years.

Be Brave

But what Gwen was talking about was not the bravery patients show when we continue treatments that suck. Gwen was talking about the bravery of continuing to be open and loving and happy despite the cancer. But Gwen inspired the people in her life to continue to show up for her. I’m going to email you and text you and ask you about what’s happening in your life.

Chemotherapy Looks Like This

But it’s also ravaged my poor body and I feel about 100 years old. I look like I’ve got 2 black eyes. Though I have to admit the the time I’m getting right now isn’t of the best quality. But it’s difficult when I’m just so tired

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