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Perlu Network score measures the extent of a member’s network on Perlu based on their connections, Packs, and Collab activity.

Completely and happily addicted to Pinterest!

Social Audience 4K
  • No categories for me, yet!
Pin Junkie Pin Party #311

Welcome to the Pin Junkie Pin Party! There were so many great projects shared at last week's party! Thanks to everyone for sharing your projects, recipes and tips. I can't wait to see what you will share this week! But first, take a look at some features from last week's party

Pin Junkie Pin Party #310

There were so many great projects shared at last week's party! Thanks to everyone for sharing your projects, recipes and tips. Scroll to the bottom of the page to link up your projects, crafts, and recipes! Share anything family friendly - crafts, recipes, DIY projects.

Pin Junkie Pin Party #309

There were so many great projects shared at last week's party! Thanks to everyone for sharing your projects, recipes and tips. Scroll to the bottom of the page to link up your projects, crafts, and recipes! Share anything family friendly - crafts, recipes, DIY projects.

Pin Junkie Pin Party #308

There were so many great projects shared at last week's party! Thanks to everyone for sharing your projects, recipes and tips. Scroll to the bottom of the page to link up your projects, crafts, and recipes! Share anything family friendly - crafts, recipes, DIY projects.

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