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Father to Fighter and Penny, husband to Fourfeetnine and entrepreneur.

Contact at Timothy@bloggerati.me

Social Audience 9K
timothytiah.com Last Month
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How to decide which “loser friend” to drop

He can’t be a loser… because hey he looks happier than me and that’s one thing he’s winning at. After some time I sat down and put together the things that define a “loser friend” or just someone I don’t want to hang out with. BUT it wouldn’t have been like that if it wasn’t for what this person did It’s true that we are the average of our closest 5 friends but it’s also true that when we’re our own hardest critic, we become better.

How we sold the most expensive offices in Malaysia

To fit the location, we discussed having a lower-end version of Colony but if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my past years is that I need to focus. What if instead of just the typical cramped private offices we have in coworking spaces or serviced offices, we had Suites. I know there’s a market for super luxury high-end bags, cars, clothes, food and experiences. So RM13,000 per person per month would be 32X more expensive than a low-end coworking space or 13 times more expensive than what Colony already charges in the past.

How I eliminated my hot temper

Growing up there was one characteristic of me my mom never liked. That I just like my father before me and my grandfather before him, had a very bad temper

My 2018 and the year I became proud to be Malaysian

I do it because the process of reflecting on my year helps me to remember the failures I’ve made and appreciate the success I’ve had in whatever things I’ve done. Well this year, thanks to my reading habit I’ve read a lot about management and it became obvious to me that I was doing a lot of things wrong in the past. I’ve learned so much and implemented the things I’ve learned in Colony I’ve learned to truly be proud to be Malaysian I’ve always loved my country which partly explains why after graduating in the UK, I wanted to come home.

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