Renee Sendelbach

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39 year old God lover, wife, mommy, writer, artist, and more while I go through this journey in cancer land. Metastatic Breast Cancer, bone marrow transplant, I now write about day to day with a sense of humor to help others going through hard times.

Social Audience 4K
  • Books and Literature
  • Family and Relationships
  • Healthy Living
  • Television
What creating does for me.

I felt this need to create after I noticed that while I was creating anything, my mind was at peace. I wasn’t thinking about how bad I felt from the chemo, I wasn’t thinking about all the “what if” stories that were continually running through my head, I wasn’t thinking about what a bad mom I was being to my 13 month old son, what a bad wife I was for all that I had to dump on my husband... From this need in my heart, I made my first “Hope Block. I want people to gain strength and Hope from my stories, and to know that same strength and Hope is there for them too.

Do I actually practice what I preach?!?!

My positive outlook isn’t about being able to stay in a good mind space ALL the time... my mind runs out of control ALL the time still, but most of the time I can rain it back in...notice I said MOST of the time and NOT all of the time. I asked him if the low dose estrogen he prescribed could possibly be making my boob hurt because I haven’t had a period in over 8 years so my body isn’t used to actually having estrogen side effects... I floated up to cloud 9 and was able to stay in that mind space through my mamo and sonogram appointment (I have dense breasts, so needing a sonogram is nothing new to me.)

42 days of mala meditation

I am SO freaking proud of myself for being on day 42 of doing a daily mala meditation. I have been craving a meditation practice for I don’t know how long. That was until my coach Meg told me she wanted me to try doing a mala meditation with the words “ease and flow. A few things I have noticed about myself in these past 42 days: When I get pissy about something, I am asking myself to understand why I am pissy MUCH quicker than I did before.

Winter Wonderland

The 3 of us went up to Eric’s parents lake house. It was SO MUCH FUN!! Saturday and Sunday, Eric and Ian went skiing

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