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Criteria for Success is a source for selling solutions that unlocks your company’s potential. Our unique approach to selling takes both a philosophical and mechanical approach to improving your sales efforts.

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Member Since JULY 27, 2018
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Having Difficulty Hiring? Try Our Chemistry Test

Consider this: would you rather have a talented, experienced person join the team who ends up working terribly with others, or a less experienced person who gels well with the team they're looking to join, and who is excited to learn and grow once hired? When we hire an employee, either for our own company or for our clients, we employ a simple but effective exercise within a rigorous hiring process called “ team”—we suggest bringing in multiple people to interview the candidate, such as the head of marketing, the head of operations, perhaps the CEO, and certainly the hiring manager.) In conclusion, establishing an open dialogue in interviews and including some sort of chemistry test in your hiring process will really help you determine who is the best fit.

Engaging Your Audiences with Michelle Benvenisti

At the time of this recording, Michelle was the Senior Director of Learning and Development at WebMD. An expert in corporate training, Michelle is also a volunteer for Strive International, where she offers training to at-risk populations on their journey to sustainable employment. Or, you can listen from your mobile device’s podcast player through iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, or TuneIn. If you have sales questions you’d like answered by our experts, submit your questions on social media and tag our Twitter, @cfsplaybook, or email us your questions at

Building a Sales Training Program? Evaluate These 3 Areas

By this point, your new hire should be actively prospecting and selling, and it’s important to make sure they haven't fallen into any old habits, but are instead sticking to your process. Ongoing evaluation of your team’s selling skills is critical to a fully-developed training program. One best practice is to schedule time for role practicing in each of your weekly sales team meetings, then pick a random pair of people and topic each week. It’s important not to tell your entire team that they should sell exactly like one person, even if that’s your top performer, but presenting some overall best practices that are known to work is a great way to leverage the power of your team.

Building Sales Processes with Adam Springer

Adam is the founder and CEO of StartupSales, an organization that helps startups develop the sales processes and strategies they need to get their ARR above the $1 million mark. Based in Tel Aviv, he is also the co-host and mentor at the StartupSales Club, a monthly workshop for founders and sales leaders. Or, you can listen from your mobile device’s podcast player through iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, or TuneIn. If you have sales questions you’d like answered by our experts, submit your questions on social media and tag our Twitter, @cfsplaybook, or email us your questions at

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