Shonni Peterson

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My Wife Had Cancer (The Husband Story)

I didn’t tell her right away, because I didn’t think much of it, but after having the dream again, I had to tell her. I have to be honest, and this is in no way me saying that I am not ESTACTIC to have my little ballof energy (Zoe) here with us, but after me being Dr. Google, and seeing how cancer could spread if you didn’t attack it right away, I wasn’t sure if keeping Zoe was the right thing to do. After healing from surgery, Shonni and I thought to ourselves, what could we do to make this challenge a little harder (joking, but it seemed that way), so we purchased our new home, three weeks before Zoe was born. I asked God for wisdom and strength, so that I could indeed protect my wife, and that’s when I realized that praying to God for her healing, and covering over our family, that I was indeed protecting my family through him.


I met my breasties through social media,and a friend referral, but Shawni I met through Jen. Shawni connected with Jen and Jen looped the rest of the squad in. IT SUCKS ASS to have to go through this and sucks even more when you don’t have people around you who get it. It is my sincerest prayer and hope that our girl gang grows so that no one has to go through this process by themselves.


I realize that this is just the cycle of God’s magnificence and purpose for evolving his creations, so my goal is to stay consistent in my joy through all seasons (actually and figuratively). It was a time where things were happening like crazy like blizzards and shit, but my life was dormant. Right before I began to share my cancer journey God had pruned A LOT of people and things. I believed that as soon ascancerwas over,I wouldskip spring and burst into summer with my new boobs and booty shorts on deck.

Fitting Back in with the World

Going back to my old life isn’t an option because I don’t fit there anymore. I love her ambition and desire to live a more authentic life. Not just authentic, but the very specially crafted unique life God built just for her. It hasn’t always been through there words, but it’s been through their works and how they live and love that I’ve admired from afar and close.

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