Dr. Rohan Khandelwal

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An effort to create awareness about Breast cancer among Indian women

Social Audience 36K
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World Cancer Day 2018

On the occasion of #worldcancerday, I would like to share the picture of the youngest #breastcancer patient I have treated till now. She is a 25 year old, mother of a 2 year old who came to me with a small breast lump which she picked up after reading a Hindi article on breast cancer. I am seeing a lot of patients with stage 1 and 2 disease, which leads to better survival. To help create more awareness, each one reading this post should tell one more person about breast cancer and it’s symptoms (painless breast lump, recent change in shape of the breast, bloody discharge from the nipple) 3.

Types of Breast Cancer – Invasive vs Non invasive

These cancers can be of two types, invasive and non invasive. This simple patient information video explains these terms and their practical implications. If the patient is diagnosed with an invasive cancer, then the patient often requires chemotherapy, whereas, if the patient has non invasive cancer (ductal carcinoma in situ), chemotherapy can be avoided. This information has been provided by Dr. Rohan Khandelwal, Breast Cancer Surgeon at W Pratiksha Hospital, Gurgaon & Delhi NCR.

Fibroadenoma – clinical presentation & surgery

Fibroadenomas are the most common cause of a breast lump, especially in young ladies. If these breast lumps are very small, they can be managed conservatively (without surgery) but if they are causing pain, increasing in size or there is a family history of cancer, it is best to get these lumps removed by a minor breast surgery. As these lumps occur in young patients, it is important that the surgeon removes them without leaving a scar behind. In case you are detected with a breast lump, which is suggestive of a fibroadenoma, it is best to consult an expert breast surgeon, who is routinely performing such surgeries.

Importance of Breast Cancer Support Groups

The incidence of breast cancer in India is increasing at an alarming rate and more and more ladies are being detected with this disease in their 30’s and 40’s. Once patients finish their treatment, it is important for them to get back to their daily routine, so that they can keep their mind off the disease. Family, friends and strong support group play a huge role in this aspect of a breast cancer warrior To celebrate these warriors, we recently organised a support group meeting at W Pratiksha Hospital, Gurgaon, which was well attended by many breast cancer patients and their families.

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