Stephanie Seban

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A place of community and inspiration for young adult thrivers; those affected by cancer or any health challenge Believe~Live~Inspire

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My Message to 1000 Oncologists

If given the opportunity to speak to a room of 1000 oncologists, surgeons and radiologists, what would your message be? I had this once in a lifetime opportunity a few weeks ago as I was invited to be the patient keynote speaker at The Miami Breast Cancer Conference. It was my first time speaking to doctors/professionals so I have to admit that I felt somewhat intimidated, yet at the same time exhilerated

Find me in Florida: CAM Conference, Thriver MeetUp and Miami Breast!

Hi All!  I wanted to share some upcoming events/conferences that I am excited to be attending and hosting, all taking place in Florida in just a couple of weeks! I’m headed to South Florida with a pretty packed schedule and I wanted to share in order to invite local Floridian Thrivers or non-local Thrivers (if you’re down for the trip) to come on out and join, learn and be inspired. And not to worry, if  you can’t attend, I will be sure to blog a follow up post to share all that I learned and accomplished

THRIVE GANG for the Holidays Makes the Perfect Gift!

Hey All…. I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted on my blog

7 Years and THRIVING!

On June 7th,  I celebrated 7 years of thriving with MBC. It’s a bittersweet day, more sweet than bitter of course. it’s still so surreal even though I’m 7 years in. It’s not easy, but it’s most certainly possible.

Join Perlu And Let the Influencers Come to You!
