Jordana Hart

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i hart nutrition is all about balance. Be healthy without making yourself crazy!

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5 reasons to eat more Avocado

As a foodie and Nutritionist I am delighted that avocados have become a a grocery staple. Contrary to popular belief, avocado’s are actually considered a “fruit” rather than vegetable

Edible DIY Green & Black’s Chocolate Face Mask

We used the brand Green & Black’s, because it’s ethically sourced ingredients offer nourishing ingredients like cocoa butter and vanilla for the ultimate (and scented! ) Full disclosure: it’s totally acceptable to taste test this delicious and edible face mask! Using clean hands or a face brush, lather the face mask onto your skin until your entire face is covered. As I mentioned earlier I used Green & Black’s 85% dark chocolate because of it’s great taste, premium quality and trusted ingredients.

Banana Chocolate Collagen Donuts

I used Genuine Health Collagen Peptides for this recipe and love that the formula is dairy free, gluten free and non gmo! 3 Big Benefits of Collagen: Research has shown that integrating collagen into your everyday lifestyle will: ● Diminish visible signs of aging by hydrating and nourishing your skin with a healthy glow ● Strengthen bones and joints ● Increase your energy and overall well-being The Recipe: 1 scoop unflavoured Genuine Health Clean Collagen ( I used bovine) 1⁄4 cup 1 tsp baking powder 1⁄4 tsp sea salt 1⁄4 cup or more of mini dark chocolate chips Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

Asian Turkey Meatballs Recipe

but I LOVE using ground turkey instead as a lower fat protein option. In a large bowl combine all the turkey meatball ingredients together and mix well. In the last 3 minutes of baking time, combine all the sauce ingredients in a medium size pot and heat on low. Once the meatballs are done add to the pot and let cook another 3 minutes with the lid on and make sure that the meatballs get well coated in the sauce!

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