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20' something Mama of 2 princesses. FSU Alum with a passion for everything motherhood, teaching, girly, & lifestyle.

Social Audience 13K Last Month
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What to Look For In Baby Activity Mats for Development

Gross Motor Skills – big muscle coordination through movements – walking, crawling, lifting their head up, sitting up, etc. Fine Motor Skills – small muscle coordination through movements – grabbing, reaching, putting things in their mouth, etc. Gross Motor Skills – big muscle coordination through movements – walking, crawling, lifting their head up, sitting up, etc. * Tummy Time: Intriguing mirror, fun satin ribbon, colorful design, and other features will help extend tummy time and encourage gross motor skills.

Born Free Activity Center & Bouncer

When I got pregnant with Aaliyah I vowed to myself that I would keep the gadgets to a minimum. I wanted products that were easy to travel with and easy to store (considering we live 5 hours from family). The seat gives her a little bit of independence because she’s able to use her gross motor skills and fine motor skills to maneuver around the activity center. We also received the Born Free Kova Bouncer and WE (yes, WE lol) if Aaliyah loves it, mama loves it.

The Ultimate Fall Bucket List

well because of my birthday, Alyssa’s & soon baby #2, I am a little bias well because of my birthday, Alyssa’s & soon baby #2, I am a little bias The last two years we have gotten into the routine of some fall traditions such as: This year we are expecting baby number two on October 10th or sooner. I am hoping to convince the hubs to go to a fall festival this Saturday, October 6th which is four days before baby’s arrival, so he is not up for it.

Halloween Disney Junior Inspired Costumes

This year I’m so bummed out for Halloween because Daddy will be taking Alyssa out trick or treating without me. This year I plan to take her to Target or Party City (costume shop) and choose exactly what she wants To give other mamas/families some inspiration I’ve decided that I would do a Halloween Costume Idea Series. To start I decided Disney Jr Inspired Costumes, but I’ll so be doing infant costumes, Nick Jr Costume Ideas, Family Costume Ideas, & If you have any more ideas please reach out to me and let me know!

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