Abbey Kay

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Love yourself & the journey you’re one. After almost 8 years blogging I have been able to work with many making brands like Macy’s, Whole Foods, Aerie, Kashi, JustFab, & more. I love sharing about real life emotions & encouraging others to love their bodies. I’m the girl who is on your side in life & is all about being honest & open. Coffee, donuts, & photography are my greatest loves in life!

Member Since JUNE 04, 2020
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simple pieces for fall that i’m currently loving

So today I’ve rounded up some of the current simple fall trends that I’m loving. I just recently lost a bunch of weight (thanks be to the break up gods) & so I’ve been in desperate need of new jeans. but I think the different hems they offer & the promised perfect fit is well worth the price! Always know that you deserve good things in life, so don’t settle for anything less than what is actually fulfilling.

my year in review & what’s next in 2020

But before I switch gears & focus on what I want to experience this next year, I want to take a quick look back at this past year & reflect on all that it brought. I don’t share much about Reno on here because I get to share my love for it over there which is a dream Don’t worry, my photoshoot photos aren’t going anywhere, but I’m excited to get to share more by being relaxed enough to want to share everyday photos again since that’s how this all started anyway! i want to share more life, more struggles, more coffee, more food, more emotions, & more realness which includes adding more encoragement & body positive posts this year * less critical – in work, in life, in content, i want to chill out & not worry so much, know that i am good enough & that what i do is too

what 27 feels like

I know it’s almost the end of the year & this is where my end of the year/new beginnings post should be. You don’t have to make excuses for how you feel & you should never let anyone tell you that what you feel isn’t valid. I’ve felt this way long before turning 27, but the fact that I can be a 27 year old example of what it’s like to accept yourself at any size, weight, shape, or personality I’m choosing to be okay with how my everyday looks because I know before long my everyday’s are going to change & look different all of a sudden

pantry products: plant-based beauty & household items

Thankfully here in Reno we have a local plant based apothecary shop known as Pantry Products that makes the best chemical free products like hand soap, facial masks & scrubs, baby products, lip balms, hand lotions & so much more! Pantry Products makes an Earl Grey Lip balm that is my favorite, but I also really love their Grapefruit + Mint flavor. My favorite hand soap scent from Pantry Products is the Orange + Clove, but the Grapefruit + Mint one is amazing as well. My sister-in-laws love their hand soaps & body polishes & my mom love’s their Gardener’s Hand Salve that have healed her hands from harsh dryness.

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