Rina Baraz Nehdar

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I am a freelance family travel writer specializing in soft adventures, luxury and healthy(ish) living. I focus on destination guides for families, girlfriend getaways and romantic retreats.

I write monthly for Wherever Family Magazine and freelance regularly for Global Travel Magazine, Parents, Outdoor Families, Go World Travel and others. My social networks are also strong.

Location Los Angeles, CA California
Country United States of America
Member Since SEPTEMBER 27, 2019
Social Audience 22K
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  • Moz DA 33
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  • Traveling
Best Things To Do In Kennywood for Families!

The Steel Cur­tain roller coast­er is locat­ed in Steel­ers Coun­try in Ken­ny­wood, the first ever theme park area and coast­er to be named after a pro­fes­sion­al sports fran­chise, specif­i­cal­ly the Pitts­burgh Steelers. There’s anoth­er area called Kid­dieland, which is devot­ed to clas­sic attrac­tions for lit­tle ones like a mer­ry-go-round. Found­ed in 1898, the Monon­ga­hela Street Rail­way Com­pa­ny leased a pop­u­lar pic­nic site, Ken­ny’s Grove, from Charles Ken­ny in order to open a trol­ley park to encour­age peo­ple to use the com­pa­ny’s trol­ley cars. If you’d like to stay clos­er to down­town Pitts­burgh, the Fair­mount is arguably the nicest hotel in Pitts­burgh, that’s actu­al­ly where celebri­ties usu­al­ly stay when they are in town film­ing movies!

Can’t Miss Things to Do in Atlanta With Kids

I spent so much of my child­hood going to Braves base­ball games in Atlanta that I was sure that’s what the nation­al anthem meant (“and the home of the … Braves?”). Fam­i­lies also can tour His­toric Ebenez­er Bap­tist Church where King was co-pas­tor, an antique fire sta­tion that once served the area, and the vis­i­tors cen­ter that fea­tures an exhib­it espe­cial­ly for chil­dren. Mountains Hotels near Cen­ten­ni­al Olympic Park, like Hyatt Place or Embassy Suites, are close to the Geor­gia Aquar­i­um and the World of Coca-Cola R. Thomas’s gourmet dish­es are veg­e­tar­i­an-friend­ly, and their kids’ menu is pop­u­lar for offer­ing child­hood sta­ples like peanut

Glen Ivy Hot Springs: A Perfect L.A. Girl's Day Trip

Glen Ivy Hot Springs is the ide­al Los Ange­les day trip or week­end get­away oasis with pools made of dreams, deli­cious Cal­i­for­nia-grown food, mud baths, a grot­to, min­er­al baths, and mas­sages. Typ­i­cal­ly Glen Ivy Hot Springs offers some evening events that are great to enjoy with a glass of wine or two, but they have stopped the evening activ­i­ties for now because of COVID. If you want to make a week­end out of your trip to Glen Ivy Hot Springs, then I would take a day to vis­it some of the local winer­ies because Cal­i­for­nia wine is amaz­ing and even bet­ter when you get to expe­ri­ence it where it is grown. The clos­est place to stay is Stay­bridge Suites if you would like to make a week­end out of your trip, but you can also make Glen Ivy Hot Springs a day trip!

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