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The premier guide for weddings in Houston and The Woodlands. We cover wedding venues in Houston, wedding dresses, hair/makeup, wedding cakes, and MORE!

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Choosing a Hair and Makeup Pro

One of the quickest ways to find great hair and makeup professionals for your wedding is to find one that has experience in bridal hair and makeup. If you want a natural look but her portfolio is filled with glamor faces, she may not be able to look beyond her style to suit yours. Try to book your bridal trial during the day when you can sit by a window and see your makeup in natural sunlight. If you usually rock a more natural look, your bridal makeup may feel over the top, but trust your pro to know how dark your lipstick needs to be to show up in photographs.

6 Tips For Choosing a Wedding Cake

You want to avoid getting more cake than you need, but you also don’t want to be short handed. Fondant cakes are chosen by couples who want that perfect cake look that really adds to the overall look of your wedding. If you’re going for both amazing taste and beauty, then consider first frosting the cake with a buttercream frosting and then add a layer of fondant over the top. If you’re having your reception in July at a outdoor wedding venue, then you’ll need to avoid buttercream or whipped cream frosting.

Tips for Choosing a Great Caterer

Every bride wants to be a good hostess and provide enough tasty food and drink to keep your guests in good spirits. If you use a caterer that has never worked at that venue before, request a list of the requirements they have to meet in order to work on their property. You do not want to pay double for both vendors planning to serve cake and cocktails or worse, no vendor planning to do so. Many brides have blown their budget at the end of the wedding when they find that service and tax were not included in their pricing.

The Newlywed's Guide to Buying a Home

New construction homes usually require less maintenance since not only the structure is new, but the appliances, HVAC system, etc. are new as well. Efficiency: New homes built by reputable home builders are usually more efficient than existing homes. Location: When buying a new home, you are often limited to lots available in new developments, which may not have the best locations. Commute times can be longer for new homes than for existing homes.

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