Amber Rose

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Hey ya'll! I'm a full-time, independent & published model from Los Angeles, CA! ☀ With a passion for fashion & modeling since the early age of 4, I knew that this was what I wanted to do for a career when I was older. Now, here I am! I live a completely gluten free, mostly plant & fruit based diet, as I have Celiac Disease. Also, I'm all about things holistic, natural, healthy & earthy. I'd love and seek to collaborate with likeminded brands, companies and people looking to expand their network of followers, customers and clients. With over 6 years collective experience in retail & event management, social media management, brand ambassadorship, promotional and professional modeling- I have an array of skills that can be put to use daily! Let's create some magic & grow together! ✨

Location Los Angeles, CA
Country United States
Member Since APRIL 01, 2020
Social Audience 28K
amberrosemodels 28K Last Month Last 3 Months
  • Posts 0 0
  • Engagement Rate 0.0% 0.0%
  • Sponsored Posts N/A N/A
  • Sponsored Engagement Rate N/A N/A
  • Avg Likes 0 0
  • Avg Comments 0 0
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