Vanessa Alsondo-Donino

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{Aesthete :: Nomad :: Chef :: Wellness Witch} Follow your dharma, do no harm✨

Many of us undergo major transformations in search of a thriving, happy life, and I am no stranger to change. From being a NYC artist to becoming a pastry chef in Brooklyn, to practicing literacy intervention in a South Bronx public school while designing kid-friendly whole food-centric curriculum. My journey to experience different walks of life has taken me from my native Harlem to the Mojave Desert, from the Blue Ridge Mountains and the peaks of the Rockies and Adirondacks, to the pristine blue waves of the Pacific Coast—and I'm still looking forward to seeing more.

I deeply believe that our dharma, or purpose in life, is to discover our interests and talents, and put them to human service. As an entrepreneur, artist, professional chef and nomadic living expert, I have collected my years of experience and expertise to develop unique therapeutic practices that foster a healthier, happier lifestyle.

Location New York, NY
Country United States of America
Member Since JUNE 15, 2019
Social Audience 2K
  • Moz DA N/A

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