Regina Michelle Hughes

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I studied journalism at Jefferson state college, worked as a respiratory therapist for eight years, was a singer/songwriter in Nashville, bestselling romance author, and have a strong background in Southern cooking.

Location Verbena, AL United States
Country United States of America
Member Since OCTOBER 22, 2020
Social Audience 12K
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The Real Story About Vaping

Gums, hypnosis, counseling, in the years that led up to my COPD diagnosis for Chronic Bronchitis, none of those solutions worked and I returned to smoking each time. The miracle cure for me didn't come from a physician, my pulmonologist, or any medical personnel I'd spoken with over the years as I fought to overcome smoking addiction. She told me how this thing called vaping had helped her finally quit smoking after many failed attempts of smoking cessation. After ten years of trying unsuccessfully to stop smoking (I'd spent 15 years not caring to quit before that), I'd finally found something that gave me the chance I needed to succeed.

Strawberry Shortcake Keto Egg Loaf

Let's face it, there are things you miss when you start doing the Keto diet, but with a little help, you can turn some of your favorite comfort foods into delicious Keto indulgences that don't destroy your carb count for the day. Strawberry Shortcake Keto Loaf is a delicious way to make your mouth happy and still stick to a Keto lifestyle. You'll feel immortal after making this incredible loaf for your breakfast or even as a snack. So let's make Strawberry Shortcake Keto Loaf, Tears of Crimson style!

It's Time To Stop Demonizing Vaping!

I attempted to quit smoking for ten years prior to my COPD diagnosis while trying every pharmaceutical method offered by my physician, and even attempting hypnosis. I'm not knocking pharmaceutical drugs like the patch, and drugs (even though Chantix almost made me kill myself) if that harm reduction method works for a patient, then, by all means, more power to them. I strongly encourage you to read the UK Government article released this month about nicotine vaping, and the impact it has shown on smoking cessation. We as a country, should be leading in smoking cessation, but we are dreadfully failing and one of those reasons is because our physicians, scientists, and public health care sectors are not putting their time and effort into discovering how vaping can be a great tool in quitting.

Aurora Paige

I’ve dreamt of being swept off my feet by a handsome prince and getting my Happily Ever After, just like in the romance novels I read. When I found out my (ex-)girlfriend was sleeping with my best friend, I decided to focus all my attention on my billion-dollar business rather than try to find a woman to settle down with. When the clock struck midnight, I still didn’t know her name or even what her face looked like, but I remembered the sexy curves of her body. UNMASKED is a steamy and sexy multicultural retelling of Cinderella, the original

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