I am an actor, gamer, pod-caster, singer, song writer, writer, minister, and friend. I am always working on something. Comment, like, & share. I am the creator of the JB&I Show and I am the CEO of I. Middleton Entertainment. I have four albums that is distributed through CD Baby. They are awesome by the way, haha. I have been with CD Baby for years now. I also am a gamer of Twitch as 8010az. I have a clothing line called Fitness Addict that you can find on Tee Spring and Esty. I have worked really hard on getting it to this point and I know that I have along way to go. I have a YouTube channel called: I. Middleton Entertainment. If you have any questions please ask. It is an honor to be here and yes, that is me in a nut shell, haha.