Cancer Mom

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I was a mom to twin kindergartners and newly 34 when a diagnosis of Stage 3C breast CANCER changed my life…

Social Audience 912
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The Words…

It was as if the words needed a place to go and if I didn’t let them out, they would build up inside me until I felt emotional pain. I needed to write the words that flowed from my mind, my heart, through my once capable young hands. And the words that once needed to break free from my mind, my soul, were trapped inside. Yes, the next time, when I could once again procrastinate and put off tackling the weighty topics I know should be addressed, topics that I will likely continue to attempt to deal with despite the gnawing pain that emanates from the words trapped inside my soul, the words that long to be set free.

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This was the part of me that, after each scan or exam, grew more and more fearful that what I might be dealing with was ovarian cancer [breast cancer increases this risk], or ovarian mets (metastasis) from the breast cancer to the ovaries. Tamoxifen acts as an anti-estrogen in breast tissue, but it acts like an estrogen in the uterus. The consensus was that the cause was linked to the fact that my estrogen levels had soared in the year before my surgery, and then, suddenly, plummeted as a result of the surgery. Tamoxifen is the usual endocrine (anti-estrogen) therapy for hormone receptor-positive breast cancer in pre-menopausal women, and is also a standard in post-menopausal women althougharomatase inhibitors are also frequently used in that setting.[1]

Is It Really “All About the Titties” on National No Bra Day (a.k.a. Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day)?

” on National No Bra Day (a.k.a. Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day)? It took me all of 5 seconds to discover that distasteful National No Bra Day “for Breast Cancer Awareness” or “to support breast cancer? Then someone had the bright idea to have a second No Bra Day annually on October 13th to piggyback on Breast Cancer Awareness Month and to bamboozle women into thinking that by removing their bras, they would be helping the breast cancer “cause”. The page’s owner claims that No Bra Day for Breast Cancer Awareness is meant to be a silly event that “really isn’t about sexualizing or about the breasts.

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